Students for Unite!4Future Competition


Hello everyone,

We are searching for students to join our team for the Unite!4Future competition.

Please get in touch with me if you are interested or know someone who might be interested (

Below, you can find a short description of the App and a link for more details.

We from Akamu - TU Darmstadt, want to address a problem each student is confronted with repeatedly during their course of study: bulimia studying. Students acquire vast amounts of lecture content in their head in a relatively short period before the exam, "puke it out" during the exam and forget most of it afterwards. It is neither an enjoyable nor a sustainable way of learning. So we want to find a solution respecting these two key aspects. Using digitalisation, we are currently developing a smartphone application - the Akamu App - which allows students to duel their fellow students about lecture topics. This gamified solution will enable us to establish a more sustainable way of learning by easily motivating the students to play duels frequently. Moreover, we are open to brainstorm and develop more features like rewards, finding learning groups etc.


We are looking forward to hearing from you.



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