Lista de políticas ativas

Nome Tipo Consentimento do utlizador
Legal notice and accessibility Política do site Todos os utilizadores


All metacampus policies have been unified into one. So it is necessary to accept it again.

These are the the main legal notices of unite! metacampus.

Política geral

1. Legal notice

These are the main legal notices of Unite! Metacampus.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on the information society and e-commerce services, as well as other legally applicable regulations, users of the Metacampus for Unite! website’s website are hereby informed of the following:

This portal is the official Metacampus for Unite! Website. In the following, it is named Metacampus. 

It was created and is maintained by the UPC, which is the owner, as it is of the domain names leading to it.

The UPC's Tax Identification Code number is ES0818003F.

The UPC's registered office is located at:

Jordi Girona, 31

08034 Barcelona


Users of this portal may communicate directly and effectively with the UPC by writing to its registered address, which is specified in the previous point. They may also contact the UPC by the following means:

Tel.: + 34 93 401 62 00

E-mail address: info@(

These general terms of use do not preclude any other provisions or conditions of access that users may encounter in the various sections of the Metacampus website.

These are the terms and conditions, and privacy policy,  which you as a logged in user must agree in order to use the site.

1.1. Acceptance of the terms of use

1.1.1. Users are obliged to read the terms of use and privacy policy of this web page.

Using the Metacampus website of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) implies that you have read and accepted the terms and conditions as they stand when you access it. These terms and conditions are described below. Furthermore, using certain services that are made available on this official site may be subject to conditions, disclaimers or special instructions that users must read and accept fully.

1.1.2. Free access

Using the Metacampus is free of charge. 

1.1.3. User registration

For general access to Metacampus, registration is not necessary. However, users are required to register in order to interact with Metacampus and its users. It is only possible to register using the institutional email addresses of one of the partners of Unite!.  In these cases, personal details provided to the UPC as a result of using its website are processed by the University under the conditions and terms specified in Clause 1.6 of the present terms of use and privacy policy. These personal details are exclusively used to achieve the objectives of Unite!

User credentials are to be used exclusively by their owner, who is responsible for storing them, protecting their confidentiality and using them appropriately.

The UPC shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from the use of these credentials by third parties, whether the owner of these credentials is aware of this unauthorised use or not.

1.1.4. eduGAIN users

The users that are members of institutions that are using eduGAIN are able to use them account to be registered and log in Metcampus.

Metacampus, as a Service Provider of GÉANT project,  embrace GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct:

Name of the service Metacampus
Description of the service The Unite! metacampus is a digital platform that connects the seven universities of the alliance, to enable mobile access exclusively to the range of programmes and diversity of activities that are offered through Unite!.
Data controller and a contact person UPC Data Protector Officer
Jurisdiction ES-CT España - Catalunya
Personal data processed A. Following data is requested from your Home Organisation:
- your unique user identifier (SAML persistent identifier)
- your role in your Home Organisation (eduPersonAffiliation attribute)
- your email
yor name
your surname

B. Following data is gathered from yourself:
- your profile
Purpose of the processing of personal data The UPC informs users of this website that it can automatically process the personal data provided to it when they use this website, in strict compliance with the provisions of the legislation on personal data protection.
How to access, rectify and delete the personal data To rectify the data released by your Home Organisation, contact your Home Organisation's IT helpdesk.
Data retention Personal data is deleted on request of the user or if the user hasn't used the service for six years.
Data Protection Code of Conduct Your personal data will be protected according to the Code of Conduct for Service Providers, a common standard for the research and higher education sector to protect your privacy.

1.1.5. Modifications by users

In general and depending on the role, users are allowed to modify the web pages that make up the Metacampus webpage or their contents, under the conditions and terms specified in Clause 1.6 of the present terms of use and privacy policy.

The UPC reserves the right to modify the pages and content of its website, as well as the terms of use, which will be published on the website.

1.1.5. Restrictions on access and use

Using the Metacampus website is subject to the general conditions outlined herein and any applicable legal provisions.

The UPC reserves the right to deny access to this website to users who do not observe the present terms of use and privacy policy.

1.2. Intellectual and industrial property rights

1.2.1. Industrial property

The name of the seven universities in Unite!, as well as their other distinctive signs (whether image or text) that appear on this website, are the exclusive property of them, following the legal notices of their web pages. Unauthorised use of these signs by third parties is therefore not permitted.

Any use on this website of distinctive signs subject to a different ownership to that indicated in the preceding paragraph must be authorised by their legitimate owners, and any exclusivity rights must be respected.

1.2.2. Domain names

As outlined in the preceding section, the domain name "", and any that are used to access this official website directly are the exclusive property of the UPC. Unauthorised use of these domain names in the course of trade is an infringement of the rights conferred by their registration and will be prosecuted by the means provided by law.

1.2.3. Intellectual property

Content, text, photographs, designs, logos, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, computer software, source code and, in general, any intellectual creation on this official website, as well as the website as a multimedia artwork, are protected by intellectual property laws.

Freeware that is not owned by the Unite! Partners that users can download from various web pages belonging to this site is exempt from this protection. Furthermore, this freeware is in the public domain in accordance with the authors' wishes.

The user is expressly authorised by the UPC to view, print, copy and store, in any form, on a hard drive or other physical drive, the protected intellectual creations and any other content or asset, whether or not subject to exclusivity rights, on this website, provided that these actions are taken for personal, private or non-commercial purposes, and without the intention to distribute any of the material or to modify, alter or decompile said rights and content. This right to personal use is recognised as long as the warnings about intellectual and industrial property rights outlined in these conditions are kept intact and the award of a licence is not involved.

Furthermore, museums, libraries, sound libraries, film libraries and archives, whether publicly owned or belonging to cultural or scientific institutions, are not required to request the UPC's authorisation to reproduce any of the content or, in general, any intellectual creation or asset on this official website, whether or not protected by exclusivity rights, when this is done for non-commercial reasons and solely for research purposes.

Any other use requires the express written authorisation of the UPC.

1.2.4. Right to take legal action

Users of this website shall respect the aforementioned rights and avoid any action that might violate those rights.

For the purposes outlined herein, unauthorised use of the UPC's industrial and intellectual property rights associated with this website, as well as any violation of the peaceful possession and ownership of said rights, will be prosecuted according to the provisions of Spanish and international law.

The UPC may take any action, whether civil or criminal, to protect its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.

1.3. Links

Users of the website may encounter links leading to independent web pages. The sole purpose of these links is to facilitate access to other sources of information on culture and education, and their inclusion in this website respects any intellectual property rights that may be held by the authors. The UPC declines any responsibility for their content or the services offered, or for the integrity or veracity of that content.

Other websites that wish to link to the UPC website must request authorisation for this link and meet the following conditions.

a) The link must identify the source.

b) The result of clicking on the link must be communication with the UPC website or any of its web pages but not the incorporation of their content in the web page in question.

c) The UPC's intellectual and industrial property rights must be respected; therefore, the web page is question must not incorporate distinctive symbols, logos, search engines, etc. that belong to the University.

d) The UPC must reciprocally be able to link to the web page in question from its web page if it so wishes.

If these conditions are breached, or for other reasons, the UPC may revoke its authorisation without being liable for compensation.

1.4. Exemption from liability

1.4.1. Content

Information: information on the Metacampus's website is provided “as is”, with no warranty that it is exact or up to date, except when the prevailing legislation so requires. As a result, the UPC shall not be held responsible for any harm that may result from the use of this information. Similarly, it shall not be held responsible for the lawfulness of content provided by suppliers, users and other third parties in their use of the website. In any event, the UPC shall be diligent in its efforts to counter the appearance of illegal content on its website, and should it become aware of such content it shall delete it or prevent access to it.

Errors: in relation to the foregoing paragraph, documents published on the website may inadvertently contain technical inconsistencies or typographic errors, for which the UPC shall not be held responsible; it will, however, endeavour to correct these errors as soon as it becomes aware of them.

Hyperlinks: the links featured on this website, whether or not for advertising purposes, allow users to leave the UPC website. The pages linked to are not, unless otherwise specified, related to the UPC, nor shall the UPC be held responsible for their content, any modification of this content, their use or their technical availability. In any event, the UPC shall endeavour to prevent any links on its website to illegal content, content promoting illegal activities or, in general, content that may undermine principles of human freedom and dignity or violate the values and rights recognised in the Spanish Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If it becomes aware of the existence of links to sites containing illegal content, the UPC shall act immediately to remove them.

Debating forums or communities: The UPC will not be held responsible for the views expressed in the various permanent forums and occasional online gatherings that take place on the site. It is in any case the aim of the UPC to ensure that they are used properly, respecting the principles of human dignity and freedom of expression enshrined in the Spanish Constitution.

Modification of content: the information, presentation and services offered on this website may change, periodically or occasionally, and the UPC is free to make any changes without being obliged to inform users.

1.4.2. Operation

Privacy: the UPC does not guarantee absolute privacy in the use of this website, because of the possibility that unauthorised third parties may be aware of the information and the circumstances in which it is put together.

Security and viruses: the UPC shall not accept any responsibility for any harm caused by authorised access, attacks, intrusions or computer viruses, the absence of which is not totally guaranteed by the security measures taken by the UPC.

Technical faults: the UPC shall not be held responsible for the malfunction of the website and its services resulting from accidental circumstances, force majeure, essential maintenance or other causes that cannot be attributed to it.

1.5. Privacy

1.5.1. Cookies

The UPC informs users that it may use cookies when they access its systems. Cookies are small text files that are generated by means of instructions that web servers send to browsers and are stored in a specific directory on your computer. Cookies by themselves do not identify users personally, although they may contain IP addresses.

Although most browsers accept cookies automatically, users can configure their browsers to prevent access to their computers.

1.5.2. Proxy cache server

The UPC informs users that it may have implemented a service known as proxy cache server, the aim of which is the intermediate storage of web pages and ftp files to improve network performance and to check that they pose no threat to the corporate network. Log files for this service, which contain only the URLs requested by IP addresses, are deleted regularly in accordance with computer security regulations. The UPC shall not hand over the information contained therein except in the case that it is legally required to do so.

1.5.3. Monitoring and logging

The UPC informs users that it has monitoring systems in place that register users' IP addresses and their activities on the UPC network. The aim of these monitoring systems is to manage services, provide statistics and ensure the security of information systems. In high-risk situations they identify the affected computers and allow them to be isolated from the network until normal functioning is resumed.

1.6. Personal data protection

The UPC informs users of this website that it can automatically process the personal data provided to it when they use this website, in strict compliance with the provisions of the legislation on personal data protection.

Users must guarantee the veracity and authenticity of the information and data they communicate when they use this website. Therefore, they must keep the information and data updated to ensure that the data correspond to reality at all times. Any false or inaccurate statement that arises from the information and data provided and any damages that this may cause are the responsibility of users.

In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 by the Parliament and the Council, of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter, the GDPR), we inform you that personal data are collected and processed for the purposes described in the UPC’s Processing Activity Register ( Specifically, with regard to multichannel processing by the service providing information and assistance to individuals who contact this university, the basic information on data protection is available on the following web page:

Regarding the management purpose of the UNITE! Research project, the basic data protection information is described in this link -personal / F05.4

Regarding the purpose of disseminating the research of the UNIT! Project, the basic data protection information is described in this link - personal data / F005

Users may at any time exercise their right to access, correct, delete, challenge, limit the processing of and transfer their collected and filed data. Requests to exercise these rights must be addressed to the UPC Data Protection Officer in writing. Exercising these rights does not in any way affect access to the website or any subscriptions users may have.

The data recorded may be used to produce statistics, send scientific and academic information, manage incidents or conduct market studies, in addition to the purposes for which they have been expressly collected.

If necessary, the personal data provided by users may be communicated to a third party for the fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes only, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the GDPR, for which the consent of the interested parties must be obtained whenever necessary.

When users provide personal data to the UPC, they accept, fully and without reservations, that the UPC will process the personal data that are appropriate, pertinent and limited to the purposes of assisting them effectively and exercising its functions in accordance with the processing principles outlined in Chapter 2, Article 5 of the GDPR.

The UPC undertakes to comply with the obligation to maintain the secrecy of the personal data that are processed, and expresses its intention to implement measures to guarantee adequate security, including protection against unauthorised or illicit processing and loss, destruction or accidental damage, by applying the appropriate technical and organisational measures (“integrity and confidentiality”).

1.7. Termination of services

Although the duration of this website is, in principle, indefinite, the UPC reserves the right to suspend or finalise the provision of some or all of its services without being obliged to inform users.

1.8. Applicable laws and jurisdiction

These terms of use and privacy policy are governed by Spanish law.

Any dispute relating to the UPC website must be tried by the Spanish jurisdiction and the parties must submit to the courts and tribunals of Barcelona and to their superiors, expressly waiving their right to any other jurisdiction.

2. Accessibility statement

2.1. Accessibility statement for Metacampus for Unite! site

The alpha version of  Metacampus for Unite! website, from now Metacampus, was launched on 9th of March 2021 and is a subject to the EU's accessibility directive, the aim of which is to ensure equality in a digitalised society and set uniform requirements for accessibility.

2.2. About the service 

The Metacampus contains resources and activities, such as forums, glossaries,  in order to offer different users from the Unite! ecosystem the achievement of the objectives of the Unite! alliance. The service can be accessed from desktop and mobile by typing into the browser window.  

This is the Minimum Viable Product version of the service that has a limited number of functionalities and just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development. The service will be further developed later in 2021 based on the feedback that we will receive during the user testing and development suggestions from different stakeholders.   

In designing this service, we took into account the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. as much as it was possible within the scope of the Minimum Viable Product version. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user friendly for everyone. The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA and AAA). Metacampus has got the Level AA accessibility by design; however, the content generated by the users may not have this level of accessibility. Metacampus will promote the users to generate content with the highest possible level of accessibility.

2.3. Recommended browsers 

The Metacampus site can be used with the most common browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge and Apple Safari. We recommend using the latest published versions of Internet browsers for both mobile and desktop devices. 

2.4. Feedback

If you notice any deficiencies regarding the accessibility of the site, you can provide feedback to:

We will respond to your feedback within two weeks, at the latest. We are actively working to address the accessibility issues that have been identified. 

3. Data stored

The following table provides an overview of what data is stored and who can view it:

What data are stored  Who other than the administrator can view the data? 
LDAP data: login name, first and last name, e-mail address, student identification number; the LDAP password is not stored at any time Authenticated users or course participants can see mail address if it has been released by the user
Profile data Authenticated user
Upload data: first and last name of the resource owner, time of upload Course participants
Assignment uploads and test results Teachers
Course attendance: courses taken Teachers
Posts in forums, wikis and blogs: first and last name, date of post Course participants
Private messages No one except the addressees